Red Crested Rooster

Red Crested Rooster  – Photography by Mary Mikawoz – Click on image or link to see the bigger picture.

A rooster with black and white feathers stands proud amid a painted greenery background. Its red comb is prominent on its head, contrasting vividly with its surroundings.

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I visited a farm a couple hours away from Winnipeg. I enjoyed seeing the animals including some roosters and chickens. I found this one to be brilliantly coloured with its red crested head.  This was initially a photograph that I took and although it was good enough for me, I somehow wanted more. I played around with filters until I got this painterly effect. I hope you like it as it speaks to me.

As for my creative work, I love beauty in all its forms. With my art, I am often in a zen-type of mood and feel as if I am “in the flow.” With my photography, I feel as if I am inspired by God or the Universe to capture these moments in time. I feel as if I am zinged when I capture that special shot and it is meant to be.

Feel Free to Follow me on my Mary Mikawoz WordPress site. You can sign up for notifications when new work is posted.

Check out my other images and collections.  Thanks for all positive feedback. 

Mary Mikawoz

For a portfolio of creative work including art, photography and mixed media by Mary Mikawoz, click here.

For viewing recent images in most recent going backwards in time, click here.

Growing Old

Growing Old – Photography by Mary Mikawoz

This photograph is not of sadness for a barn that has seen better years and usage but is one of hope too. The barn is boarded up and barely standing. The old red tractor seems to be working still and is in use in making old-fashioned rectangular bails of hay.

One does not have to give up that which is aged. It is an antique and with the passage of time as with people, we should venerate and respect the elderly.

I see a happy face on the barn as one who reminisces of glorious by-gone days. I have put sparkles of light throughout the picture to offer feelings of expectancy in the future. Wishing everyone the best in their pursuit of their lives no matter whatever their calendar age or years.

With my art, I am often in a zen-type of mood and with my photography, I feel as if I am inspired by God or the Universe to capture these moments in time.

Thanks in advance for liking commenting, sharing and purchasing. Check out my other images and collections. Thanks for all positive feedback. 

For bigger and fuller image, click here.

For a portfolio of creative work including art, photography and mixed media by Mary Mikawoz, click here.

For viewing recent images, click here.

#canada #photographer #canadian #photography #winnipeg #Manitoba #pic #beautiful #photos #image #art #farm #country #agriculture #prairies #barn #tractor #sadness #hope #old #ancient #oldfashioned #bails #hay #antique #passage #people #venerate #elderly #happy #face #reminisce #glory #by-gone #days #pursuit #lives #calendar #years #age #God #Universe #Moments #Inspiration #Time #artistic #DigitalArt #MixedMedia #VisualArtist #mary #mikawoz #marymikawoz  #colours #red #yellow #white #orange #grey #black

Equine Relaxation

Equine Relaxation – Photography by Mary Mikawoz

This is a photograph of beautiful horses which was taken in the middle of winter in the Interlake area of Manitoba, Canada. Straw is usually bedding for lying on and hay is for feeding on so I am not sure what these horses are doing as they seem to be doing both. Perhaps, it is just grass. I hope you like my farm picture.

It has been awhile since my year of posting an image each day which was very stressful but I did it! It is time to continue as I can not keep myself from creating and capturing Divine Moments in Time!

Thanks in advance for liking commenting, sharing and purchasing. Check out my other images and collections. Thanks for all positive feedback. 

For bigger and fuller image, click here.

For a portfolio of creative work including art, photography and mixed media by Mary Mikawoz, click here.

For viewing recent images, click here.

#canada #photographer #canadian #photography #winnipeg #Manitoba #pic #beautiful #photos #image #art #equine #horses #beautiful #relaxation #interlake #straw #hay #grass #winter #farm #agriculture #artistic #DigitalArt #MixedMedia #VisualArtist #mary #mikawoz #marymikawoz #colours #green #white #blue #brown

Bins Galore

Bins Galore

I like the bins that line the prairie landscape. It is reminiscent of the storing and packaging up of important goods that have taken time and space to harvest or reap. It has taken a lot of effort on the farmers’ part to seed and help grow the crops. I am thankful to the farmers for all their hard work because without them, life would be so much harder. 

I took this picture near Île-des-Chênes, Manitoba which is south of the City of Winnipeg. The town is an unincorporated community in the Rural Municipality of Richot. According to its website, “This francophone town was settled in the mid-nineteenth century in an area prolific with oak trees, and that’s where the town got its name, which translates to Oak Island.” 

Thanks in advance for liking commenting, sharing and purchasing. Check out my other images and collections. Thanks for all positive feedback.

For bigger and fuller image, click here.

For a portfolio of creative work including art, photography and mixed media by Mary Mikawoz, click here.

For viewing recent images, click here.

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Two Times Three

Two Times Three

It may seem to be a simple math problem but I am simply observing that there are two sets of three bins. They are symmetrical and cylindrical and keep the crops in a safe way. There are the three that are on the left-hand side, smaller than the ones on the right-hand side that are much taller and look as if they will go up in the air like rockets. 

I took this picture near Île-des-Chênes, Manitoba which is south of the City of Winnipeg. The town is an unincorporated community in the Rural Municipality of Richot. According to its website, “This francophone town was settled in the mid-nineteenth century in an area prolific with oak trees, and that’s where the town got its name, which translates to Oak Island.” 

Thanks in advance for liking commenting, sharing and purchasing. Check out my other images and collections. Thanks for all positive feedback.

For bigger and fuller image, click here.

For a portfolio of creative work including art, photography and mixed media by Mary Mikawoz, click here.

For viewing recent images, click here.

#canada #photographer #canadian #photography #winnipeg #Manitoba #pic #beautiful #photos #art #two #times #three #simple #math #ÎledesChêne #farm #agriculture #country #life #farmland #observation #bins #crops #symmetrical #cylindrical #smaller #taller #air #rockets #community #town #francophone #history #oak #trees #island #rural #municipality #Richot #ground #earth #harvest #artistic #DigitalArt #MixedMedia #VisualArtist #colours #blue #white #green #black #mary #mikawoz #marymikawoz 

No Roof

No Roof

I am intrigued by old and decaying buildings. I think that they represent, once upon a time, a function and a story. This structure served its purpose once upon a time. It is part of a farm and may have been used in a number of different ways. 

The sad part is that the basic outline is there but essentially there is no roof. All the elements of rain, snow, wind and even sun can get in. The bad and the good. It is not protected from the weather having to give in to the harsh climate of the prairies.

Is its function gone? Is it no longer needed or necessary? Yet, it stands and it is resolute just like people are despite aging and being elderly. If only you were a fly on the wall and could hear the stories it would tell – the fun, the laughter and the sadness. 

Thanks in advance for liking commenting, sharing and purchasing. Check out my other images and collections. Thanks for all positive feedback.

For bigger and fuller image, click here.

For a portfolio of creative work including art, photography and mixed media by Mary Mikawoz, click here.

For viewing recent images, click here.

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Cattle Farm

Cattle Farm

This is a photograph that I took of a cattle farm. There are many cows but one in particular has noticed me and is taking note. I don’t know if he is saying “Hello!” or “Don’t come any closer!” 

The red barn has seen better days because it is worn and weathered. It needs a fresh coat of paint. 

I have made it into a black and white photograph. The clouds look as if they are to open up and pour down some rain. 

I am thankful to all the farmers for producing our food especially in this time of corona virus. I have much gratitude for all those who work so hard to keep our community healthy. Thanks so much! 

Thanks in advance for liking commenting, sharing and purchasing. Check out my other images and collections. Thanks for all positive feedback.

For bigger and fuller image, click here.

For a portfolio of creative work including art, photography and mixed media by Mary Mikawoz, click here.

For viewing recent images, click here.

#canada #photographer #canadian #photography #winnipeg #pic #beautiful #photos #art #country #western #farm #agriculture #cattle #cows #barn #weather #worn #Hello #coat #paint #clouds #rain #farmers #coronavirus #food #thankful #gratitude #community #health #Interlake #sky #colours #black #white #grey #artistic #DigitalArt #MixedMedia #VisualArtist #manitoba #image #mary #mikawoz #marymikawoz 

Mom and Son

Mom and Son

Today is a special day in that it is my son’s birthday. I have chosen this photograph of two bison as it represents the Mom who is nearby whereas her son is exploring the world around him. It is representative of me and my son. He is, in fact, a fully grown and a good man but I will always be his Mom. 

Happy Birthday to my son Kyle! 

Thanks in advance for liking commenting, sharing and purchasing. Check out my other images and collections. Thanks for all positive feedback.

For bigger and fuller image, click here.

For a portfolio of creative work including art, photography and mixed media by Mary Mikawoz, click here.

For viewing recent images, click here.

#canada #photographer #canadian #photography #winnipeg #pic #beautiful #photos #art

#Mom #Son #Mammal #animal #Bison #Buffalo #forest #horns #fields #grasses #farm #Interlake #agriculture #country #western #wildlife #creation #magnificent #elegant #strong #healthy #colours #colors #brown #beige #white #green #artistic #DigitalArt #MixedMedia #VisualArtist #manitoba #image #mary #mikawoz #marymikawoz 

Bothered by Burrs

Bothered by Burrs – Photography by Mary Mikawoz
Click on link to see entire photograph

Bothered by Burrs

I took this close-up photograph of a bison. He is looking intently back at me. I thought the bison was covered in regular grasses from manoeuvring his head in the fields and that is sort of true. On closer examination, there are burrs which stick onto the body, fur and clothes. 

I remember as a little girl running through a relative’s farm fields and being so intrigued by these spikey flowery-things only to be horrified when I touched them and they stuck into my fingers and would not let go. I thought “What are these cruel things that look so fascinating and interesting doing?” The thistle hung on and the more I tried to make it come off, the more it stuck into my skin. 

In this picture, the head of the bison has burrs on it, as well as on its sides. The bisons do sometimes roll around on the ground and get covered in this way. As my husband would say, “It is a Beast of Burr-den.”  

Thanks in advance for liking commenting, sharing and purchasing. Check out my other images and collections. Thanks for all positive feedback.

For bigger and fuller image, click here.

For a portfolio of creative work including art, photography and mixed media by Mary Mikawoz, click here.

For viewing recent images, click here.

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Painted Horse

Painted Horse

This is a photograph I took of a beautiful Painted Horse in its beautiful surroundings. I like his stance as it is really stoic. 

It reminds me of the song from America called “A Horse with No Name” and written by Dewey Bunnell in the early 1970s. 

“I’ve been through the desert on a horse with no name 
It felt good to be out of the rain 
In the desert, you can remember your name 
‘Cause there ain’t no one for to give you no pain 
La, la, la, la-la-la, la-la-la, la, la 
La, la, la, la-la-la, la-la-la, la, la” 

According to Wikipedia, “The American Paint Horse (Equus caballus) is a breed of horse that combines both the conformational characteristics of a western stock horse with a pinto spotting pattern of white and dark coat colors.” 

Thanks in advance for liking commenting, sharing and purchasing. Check out my other images and collections. Thanks for all positive feedback.

For bigger and fuller image, click here.

For a portfolio of creative work including art, photography and mixed media by Mary Mikawoz, click here.

For viewing recent images, click here.

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