The Lake Point

The Lake Point  – Photography by Mary Mikawoz – Click on image or link to see the bigger picture.

A small lighthouse stands atop a rocky outcrop overlooking a calm blue lake. Sparse vegetation dots the landscape, with a cluster of bushes near the water’s edge.

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We were tootling along in a boat on the waters of Lake Winnipeg when we came towards an area which had an inlet or bay. It gave a warning of the coming rocks by having this marker on its shore.

I thought it was very intriguing and interesting looking.

I absolutely love nature, its colours, its movement, flow and smoothness. It is somehow all so perfect in its manifestation – never needing or wanting anything but accepting what is!

As for my creative work, I love beauty in all its forms. With my art, I am often in a zen-type of mood and feel as if I am “in the flow.” With my photography, I feel as if I am inspired by God or the Universe to capture these moments in time. I feel as if I am zinged when I capture that special shot and it is meant to be.

Feel Free to Follow me on my Mary Mikawoz WordPress site. You can sign up for notifications when new work is posted.

Check out my other images and collections.  Thanks for all positive feedback. 

Mary Mikawoz

For a portfolio of creative work including art, photography and mixed media by Mary Mikawoz, click here.

For viewing recent images in most recent going backwards in time, click here.

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#God #Universe #Moments #Inspiration #Time #image #Zen #Flow #Zinged #Special

#artistic #DigitalArt #DigitalDesign #MixedMedia #VisualArtist 

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